Leader in Mid Atlantic Region and Ohio Valley Botany Surveys
Botany Surveys
We provide botanical surveys for rare, threatened, and endangered species, state sensitive species, state species of special concern, and regional forester’s sensitive species. Surveys have been conducted on a wide range of land use types, including US National Forest Service Land, State Parks, Wildlife Management Areas, and private lands throughout the Mid Atlantic Region.
Habitat Assessments
AllStar’s botanists can conduct on-site habitat analyses prior to field work and rank sites in terms of the probability of supporting rare, threatened or endangered species to help our clients in pre-project planning. These analyses are often done during the winter months when field surveys cannot be conducted. A field survey will still need performed during the proper season to confirm presence/absence of rare, threatened, or endangered species.
Field Surveys
AllStar can conduct botanical field surveys for projects of all types and sizes. We work in a variety of land uses including National Forest, state land, municipalities, and private land. All current state and federal protocols are followed during botanical surveys which include agency consultation, desktop analysis, development of an approved study plan, mapping, report generation and final consultation.
Conservation Services
AllStar can make recommendations to avoid or minimize impacts to any rare species onsite. In addition, we offer strategies to manage and monitor unique micro habits associated with rare, threatened, or endangered species for continued viability.
Gregory L. Short Jr. – Greg@allstarecology.com
Lead Botanist / Senior Project Manager
Greg Short is an owner in AllStar Ecology and has worked throughout the eastern United States conducting vegetation surveys and rare, threatened and endangered species surveys. Mr.Short has conducted floristic inventories in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, and New Jersey. He has been affiliated with various private, state, and federal agencies conducting threatened & endangered species surveys for plants and mammals throughout Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Mr. Short is an experienced wetland delineator and has worked on projects for oil/gas, coal, and residential/commercial development.

Botanical Surveys for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
AllStar conducted botanical surveys from 2015-2017 for the West Virginia portion of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The study plan included Virginia spiraea (Spiraea virginiana), small whorled pogonia (Isotria mdeoliodes), and running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum). A floristic inventory of over 1,000 species was documented, including maps of occurrence, community classification, and invasive species.

Botanical Surveys for the Supply Header Pipeline
AllStar also conducted botanical surveys from 2015-2017 for the West Virginia section of the Supply Header Pipeline. The study plan included survey procedures for Virginia spiraea (Spiraea virginiana). Over 500 species were included in a floristic inventory with mapped occurrences of state and federally listed species, community classification, and invasive.

Running Buffalo Clover Mitigation/Conservation Area
AllStar has initiated facilitation of a 500 acre mitigation/conservation area with over 50,000 rooted crowns of Running Buffalo Clover. The property is being placed into a long-term conservation easement, managed by AllStar. Monitoring efforts are being conducted to illustrate that the population is sustainable towards overall recovery.
AllStar Ecology Q1: A Recap
While the weather has been chilly and keeping some hunkered down, AllStar Ecology has been throwing on our long johns, brewing extra coffee, and watching the sunrise in the field. Oh yes, and we should mention the work we've been doing!Our Bat Crew delivered a...
Timber Stand Improvement for Red Spruce Trees
Red Spruce Forests Picea rubens, most commonly known as red spruce, was once abundant in the West Virginia highlands covering over one million acres until the late 1800s. Its natural ecosystem contributions include providing food and cover for many animals such as the...
Getting to Know West Virginia Spring Wild Flowers (Ephemerals)
Spring Ephemerals - Dependent on Ants? Found throughout the eastern United States and Canada, spring ephemerals thrive on the floor of rich, undisturbed woodlands and can be quite beautiful. This verdant, moist environment is the ideal site for myrmecochory, seed...