Mitigation Success Through Vegetation Management
Invasive Species Control & Tree Planting
AllStar is a licensed Pesticide Application Business in the Mid-Atlantic Region with specialty certifications in aquatic, forest pest, hardwood crop tree release, and industrial right-of-way-control. We are also a registered Nursery Stock Dealer and maintain a registered nursery which allows it to provide revegetation needs such as tree planting.
Our Services Include:
- Invasive species control
- Compensatory mitigation maintenance
- Timber stand improvement
- Wildlife management
- Vegetation removal
- Tree planting
- Stream bank stabilization
- Pond management
Invasive Species Control
AIIStar’s herbicide applicators specialize in plant identification, including invasive species and can control plants with a variety of chemicals and treatment methods. Our primary objectives are for mitigation projects, forestry and wildlife management.
Compensatory Mitigation
With a focus on helping compensatory mitigation projects meet vegetative success, AIIStar established its herbicide program. By understanding regulatory success requirements, AIIStar has helped clients control problems with invasive and undesired vegetation and achieve final approval from regulators.
Forestry & Wildlife
AIIStar expanded its herbicide program into timber stand improvement and wildlife management applications. By working with landowners and various government agencies like the WV Division of Forestry, AIIStar has controlled invasive and undesirable species problems that hinder timber growth, regeneration, and wildlife habitat. AIIStar has performed these services on private, state, and federal landholdings.
Vegetation Control
AllStar has also expanded into total vegetation control around areas that are typically considered “sensitive” such as engineered channels and recreation facilities around aquatic sites. AllStar has worked for municipalities, state, and federal agencies to maintain areas where unwanted vegetation may be a threat to infrastructure or human safety.
By maintaining a plant nursery, AllStar can grow and use locally adapted trees and shrubs for tree planting and streambank stabilization projects. As a nursery stock dealer, AllStar can use other native nurseries to meet clients’ needs on larger reforestation sites. AllStar tree planters use knowledge and experience to select planting locations and conditions to improve the odds of success. AllStar has also used a variety of methods for herbivore protection including tree tubes and exclusion cages
Ryan Ward –
Senior Environmental Scientist / Project Manager
Ryan Ward is an owner of AllStar Ecology and has worked throughout the United States on various projects with an emphasis on wildlife research. Mr. Ward has studied in environments in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma. He also has extensive regulatory experience throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, especially in West Virginia and Virginia where he is a Certified Professional Wetland Delineator. Mr. Ward specializes in stream and wetland issues including delineation, compensatory mitigation, permitting, natural stream design, and wetland restoration.

Large-scale Invasive Species and Vegetation Control
AllStar treated a large project site in Preston County, WV for invasive species and vegetation control for multiple seasons using foliar and hack/squirt methods. The infested acres were treated as part of an integrated pest management plan across the 3,000 acre site. Work was done with backpack sprayers, ATV mounted sprayers and a vehicular mounted sprayer.

Vegetation Control at USACE Locks and Dams
AllStar provided management, supervision, labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to provide total vegetation control at the Huntington US Army Corps of Engineers Locks and Dams Project. Areas requiring herbicide treatment included: Winfield Locks and Dam, Robert C Byrd Locks and Dam, and Belleville Locks and Dam. Treatment areas included rip rap shorelines, recreation areas, drainage ditches, fencelines, etc.

Natural Spruce Regeneration in the Mon National Forest
AllStar furnished the labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, supervision, and supplies to perform all work required for chemical site preparation for natural spruce regeneration through the hand application of herbicide to stumps of black birch, striped maples, Fraser magnolia, red maple, and American beech to improve forest conditions. Work occurred on over 1,000 acres in the Monongahela National Forest.
AllStar Ecology Q1: A Recap
While the weather has been chilly and keeping some hunkered down, AllStar Ecology has been throwing on our long johns, brewing extra coffee, and watching the sunrise in the field. Oh yes, and we should mention the work we've been doing!Our Bat Crew delivered a...
Timber Stand Improvement for Red Spruce Trees
Red Spruce Forests Picea rubens, most commonly known as red spruce, was once abundant in the West Virginia highlands covering over one million acres until the late 1800s. Its natural ecosystem contributions include providing food and cover for many animals such as the...
Pollinator Conservation: West Virginia’s Native Bees
Native Bees are Important to West Virginia West Virginia’s native bees including bumble bees, mason bees, leaf-cutter bees, miner bees, and sweat bees are important to the pollination of most flowering trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants within the forests and fields...